St Paul's is known as a beautiful, joyous, peaceful and dignified church with a welcoming spirit and as such it is popular for various sacramental occasions such as baptisms and weddings.
Luck brushes some people unnoticed. Dozens of Governors and their ladies laid the foundation stones of scores of mediocre Australian churches, but it fell to the lot of the Countess of Belmore to lay the foundation stones of the two churches which can be considered the best buildings of Blacket's very best period. We saw that she laid the foundation stone of St Stephen Newtown in November 1871. This was only four months after she laid the stone of St Paul Burwood, …, for St Paul Burwood is the work of Blacket at his best period, …

The church is small, not particularly ornate, but the disposition of the parts, the proportions and scale are nearly perfect. The details are of the finest craftsmanship … (The Blackets: An Era of Australian Architecture, Morton Herman, 1963, p. 138)


Baptism is the means of becoming a member of the Body of Christ, the church. Baptism normally takes place on the third Sunday of the month during the 9.30 am service. While Anglicans are traditionally baptised as infants, people of any age can come for baptism.

Application are made through the Parish Office. Parents and Godparents (where possible) of infants to be baptised will be asked to meet two weeks beforehand to prepare for the baptism.

Please contact the Parish Office on (02) 9747 4327


St Paul’s Church is a popular venue for weddings, offering a traditional service accompanied by traditional organ music. Couples are welcome to apply to be married in the church and will be required to meet with the priest for wedding preparation. A set fee is charged for the use of the church, the priest, organist and flowers. Bells are optional.

For details and to make bookings please contact the Parish Office on (02) 9747 4327.

Notice of Intended Marriage form


St Paul's is a place of love and care and as an expression of our trust in God's love. Our priests conduct funerals at St Paul's upon request. Usually the funeral director will make these arrangements with the parish.

Please contact the parish office on (02) 9747 4327

Healing Ministry

Prayers for those who are sick or in some form of distress are offered at Sunday worship and the Wednesday Eucharist which commences at 10.30 am. Names can be added to the prayer list by contacting the Parish Office on (02) 9747 4327.

Visiting the Sick

The clergy of the parish conduct a ministry to parishioners and family members by visiting those who are ill or in hospital as time and circumstance allows. To advise the clergy of those who are sick, please contact the Parish Office on (02) 9747 4327.


Anointing of the sick by a priest can be arranged by contacting the Parish Office on (02) 97474327

Renewal of Wedding Vows

Married couples who wish to thank God for the blessings of their married lives may make a renewal of wedding vows in the church. Appointments with the clergy to discuss this ministry can be made.

Please contact the parish office on (02) 9747 4327


While Anglicans make a general confession during worship services, those who wish to make an individual confession before a priest may do so. Please contact the Parish Office on (02) 9747 4327.